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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Artigo Original Wood Science and Technology

The Effect of Weather on Air-Drying of Messassa Wood

Andrade Fernando Egas; Ricardo Jorge Klitzke; Reinaldo Calçada Guina Luis; Ernesto Uetimane Junior; Djeison Cesar Batista; Márcio Pereira da Rocha

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Abstract: This study intended to assess the effect of weather on the air-drying process of messassa wood (Brachystegia spiciformis Benth) in two areas of Mozambique (Machipanda and Beira city). First, the logs were sawn into 27 mm thick boards. Every five days the moisture content of the wood was determined by the control samples. For each region, the drying rate and wood quality post sawing and drying were estimated. The drying time differed between the regions under investigation, with Machipanda revealing the higher value. Messassa wood, which revealed a low drying rate (0.33% U/day), was categorized as slow drying wood. Both regions showed average final moisture content of 15.3% in the boards, with only slight variations in moisture inside the stacks. After outdoor drying, only a few defects were noted and as it was free from tensions, hence it was classified as good quality wood.


Mozambique, drying rate, wood quality, Brachystegia spiciformis Benth


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