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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Artigo Original Silvicultura

Respiratory Rates of Inga Vera Willd. Subsp. Affinis (DC.) T. D. Penn. Seeds

João José Dias Parisi; João Domingos Biagi; Claudio Jose Barbedo; Priscila Fratin Medina; Edmir Vicente Lamarca

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ABSTRACT: The deterioration process of recalcitrant seeds is not fully known, mainly regarding the relation between fungi activity and respiration. Inga vera seeds are characterized by their high degree of sensitivity to desiccation and for only maintaining viability for a few weeks. The objective of this study was to identify the fungus action on respiratory metabolism of I. vera embryos subjected to chemical treatment in order to extend their storability. The results showed that the presence of fungi increases embryo respiration rate, thus affecting their conservation during storage. Treatment with carbendazin + thiram, especially at a dose of 200 ml per each 100 kg of seeds, was effective in controlling fungi, reducing the respiration rate and metabolism of I. vera embryos, increasing the maintenance period of their viability in storage.


fungus, recalcitrant seed, storage


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