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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Artigo Original Silvicultura

Does Crop-Livestock-Forest Systems Contribute to Soil Quality in Brazilian Savannas?

Leciana Menezes Souza Zago; Werther Pereira Ramalho; Samantha Caramori

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ABSTRACT: In this paper we discuss the impact on conversion degraded pasture areas into an integrated crop, livestock and forest system (ICLFS). We collected 30 soil samples at 0-0.1 m depth in five agroforestry systems, degraded pasture and native areas along Brazilian Cerrado biome. We analyzed the influence of chemical variables on microbial biomass carbon and enzyme activity using multivariate statistic analysis. The land use explained only the variation of microbial biomass carbon and seasonality explained the variation in glycine aminopeptidase activity. The sample controls differ from the other soil areas due to their greater biological activity (MBC). The enzymatic indicators showed that the biological activity is lower in degraded pasture. It was observed that the ICLFS system had a positive effect on the microbial activity (MBC and soil enzyme) when compared to pasture. This reinforces the importance of adopting more sustainable practices to improve soil quality.


agroforestry systems, forest quality control, forest soil


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