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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Artigo Original Silvicultura

Soil Macrofauna and Edaphic Properties in Coffee Production Systems in Southern Colombia

Leonardo Rodríguez Suárez; Sandra Patricia Cuarán Pinto; Juan Carlos Suárez Salazar

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ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of the soil macrofauna in coffee production systems, as well as their relationship with edaphic properties. Therefore, two coffee production systems were selected: coffee plantations at full-sun with conventional management (Intensive) and shaded coffee plantations with organic management (Traditional). In each crop system, three soil samples were collected randomly, in the form of blocks (25 × 25 cm), to a soil depth of 10 cm. In total, 17,109 individuals were recorded in this study being the Oligochaeta group the most representative, regardless of the coffee production system. The average density of soil macrofauna was higher in traditional coffee plantations (p < 0.05) due to the higher density of Oligochaeta, Diplopoda and Blattodea. The traditional coffee plantations provided a better soil chemical fertility reflected in the principal component analysis. Furthermore, these chemical attributes probably could affect the occurrence of the soil macrofauna groups.


co-inertia analysis, organic management, shade trees, edaphic fauna


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