FLORAM receives Impact Factor

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Floresta e Ambiente
Floresta e Ambiente
Original Article Conservation of Nature

Incoming Longwave Radiation Evaluation for the Legal Amazon Using HadRM3 and Geostatistic Theoretical Models

Paulo Eduardo Teodoro; Rafael Coll Delgado; Jose Francisco Oliveira-Junior; Givanildo Gois; Fernanda Tayt Sohn

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ABSTRACT: Incoming longwave radiation was estimated using air temperature data from the output of the regional HadRM3 model in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) A2 scenario for projections up to 2070, 2080 and 2090 and using Swinbank’s equation. Spatial distribution was done by Ordinary Kriging through three theoretical mathematical models for the IPCC A2 scenario for the whole Legal Amazon. It was found that the highest averages and outliers occurred in 2090 compared to other years evaluated. The average incoming longwave radiation for 2070, 2080 and 2090 was 394.8, 403.9 and 413.0 Wm-2year-1 , respectively. The coefficients of variation (CV) were higher for 2080 (2.6%) and 2090 (2.8%), similar to the results found by standard deviation. 2070 obtained CV (2.2%) for estimated values of incoming longwave radiation with greater accuracy. Again, 2070 was the only year that could be interpolated because the average degree of spatial dependence found for all models was 12.23%. Lastly, 2080 could only be interpolated using the Gaussian model in the Legal Amazon.


climate change, geostatistics, energy balance


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